Wednesday, December 15, 2010

from our kitchen to yours

Nothing says Merry Christmas from the heart quite like a gift you lovingly made yourself. As you know I'm a big fan of handmade gifts, even more so when they're created in the kitchen. I haven't done any holiday baking or cooking myself, although I have bookmarked some festive recipes that I really want to try. But, with the holidays being such a busy time of year and with Christmas Day being next week already (now how did that happen?), sometimes there just isn't enough time for rolling out dough for a plate of cookies, waiting for a candy thermometer to register 236 degrees for a pan of fudge, or coating popcorn for a tin of caramel corn. As much as I love to cook and give gifts there are times when I don't want myself or my kitchen floor to end up a flour coated, sticky mess which is usually what happens when I bake. So here are some easy recipes that require very little kitchen time.

Or another variation on this is Peppermint Sticks. Both would be easy to make and remind me of this.

Another easy homemade gift idea is to dip anything edible in to melted chocolate. You could use dried apricots or any dried fruit for that matter, almonds, pears, pineapple, marshmallows, or pretzels. The possibilities are endless! You could even use a spoon.

Whether you are buying gifts, making gifts, or baking gifts I hope you are having a happy holiday season!

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